
Anna Marie Vitek

Anna Marie is a fourteen-year-old show-jumping rider from the Czech Republic. Before her successful equestrian transition to horses in 2019, she rode ponies for several years. During that time, she achieved numerous successes in national and international competitions, became a three-time champion of the Czech Republic in the pony category, and was even selected to […]


Kristina Vitek

Kristina is a fifteen-year-old show-jumping rider from the Czech Republic. She has dedicated herself to equestrian sports since he was eight years old. After competing on ponies for two years, she started riding horses during the 2019 season and rapidly advanced to regular participation in events with obstacles over 1.3 m high. Thanks to her […]


Fúze společnosti V Team Prague, s.r.o. se společností Chuchle Arena Praha, s.r.o.

V Team Prague, s.r.o. se sídlem Purkyňova 2121/3, Nové Město (Praha 1), 110 00 Praha bude dle projektu fúze sloučena se společností Chuchle Arena Praha, s.r.o. se sídlem Radotínská 69/34, Velká Chuchle, 159 00 Praha. Nástupnickou společností bude Chuchle Arena Praha, s.r.o.

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